Prerequisites for the success of a retail brand in the digital age

The retail industry is undergoing major transformations in recent years, due to the digitalization and acceleration of e-commerce, changes in purchasing habits and consumer preferences, as well as social, cultural, political and economic phenomena that directly influence it.

Are there areas where the brand does not matter?

The importance of the brand has increased in recent years in Romania, even if we are talking about a relatively recent history of the private business environment.

Because of too much love, entrepreneurial brands lose

In his book Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely tells about a phenomenon that we see as enlightening in terms of the relationship of Romanian entrepreneurs with their brands and their weight in making a change.

How a Visual Identity Can Serve Business

Visual identity answers questions that customers and consumers ask about a business or product

Humanization of brands and what it means

In an interview with IQads, we answered a few questions about trends in branding.

The mirage of luxury brands

When we say May, we say Cannes. Every year, on the red carpet of the legendary Cannes Film Festival we meet the most admired luxury brands of the moment.

Brands are no longer communicating, they are socializing

The instant appeal that brands carry with them is largely due to the story behind them. What does this social media story mean?

Why good names do not result from “hocus-pocus-preparatus”

Memorable, easy to individualize among competitors, and pleasant as a sound — these are the main criteria we all know a brand name must meet.

Truth and Myth in Naming

Naming is one of the most difficult parts in a rebranding process for both the company and the brand consultants.

Fear of decisions in defining a brand

In any organizational rebranding process, a particularly important moment is when we establish the positioning of the new brand

The brand bond that keeps the development of entrepreneurial brands in place

In branding, change is a concept that we operate with quite often, especially when it comes to rebranding and brand rediscovery processes.

How does content marketing contribute to the growth of a business?

Whether it's B2C or B2B, content marketing can be a great way to get customers and keep existing customers loyal.

Interaction with the brand in the era of new media

Brands are increasingly involving the consumer in creating their stories. From creating relevant content to an entire interactive experience with the brand. A kind of story told to friends. That is, new.

Who is in control of the brand in the online environment?

It is clear that social media has changed the way consumers communicate and interact with brands. Anyone can express their opinion about a brand, product or service, on their personal blog, on Facebook or wherever they want

How do you measure the profitability of content marketing at the business level?

There are many indicators that can be tracked and reported to identify the results of a brand's content marketing actions. However, since there are many specific data and information, they must be filtered and interpreted appropriately, taking into account the objectives set and in a language accessible to the person to whom these results will be presented.

Food retail, above the lowest price

People love to go shopping. Shopping means more than the need to fill the pantry with lots of goodies. Some seek novelty and inspiration, others...

Can a band only communicate their brand online?

We go back many years ago and see that music followed a simple route: artists created it, fans enjoyed it. I went to concerts. I didn't always find cassettes with new albums.

Your brand breathes online

The novelty of the online environment compared to any other type of media is that it provides quick access to millions of consumers in different geographies.

Cum atragi consumatorul modern?

Persoanele născute după anul 1980, cunoscute ca millennials, sunt o generație tânără ce a crescut într-o lume în care Internetul a devenit o parte importantă din viața lor.

The authenticity of a brand cannot be bought

I am part of the generation that began their journey to adulthood at a crucial moment in our modern history.

Why do you need a brand audit?

Imagine that your brand participates in a rally every day, the goal of which is to win the attention of the consumer.

Brand slogan — the expression of a truth

Brand promise is perhaps the most used phrase in branding, used by all brand consultants and ambiguous for most clients.

Things we love: packaging design

Because inspiration comes from the most varied sources and, above all, from different people, we thought of creating the Things We Love series.

Nostalgia of beer from the shelf

A single century was enough to radically transform the concept of beer: thus making the transition from locally produced beer, by small breweries, with or without a multitude of ingredients...

Website or Facebook page?

Nowadays, when most social platforms have the option of 'business page', you inevitably wonder if you need a website as well.

How to stay relevant in a world of ephemeral trends

If a business were a person, its brand would be the personality, and the clothes the style. So how do you stay current in an ever-changing world...

36 days with creative letters

Even before I knew what graphic design meant, I was captivated by the shapes of letters and their expressiveness.

When and How to Do Startup Branding

If you are at your first startup, the concept of branding can certainly intimidate you, especially if you have never had the opportunity to go through such a process before.

Website, the best digital asset of a brand

The last few months have opened up a new world for certain categories of consumers, from browsing the web more and interacting with their favorite brands to the first online order placed or offering online feedback.

Brand = asset that appreciates itself over time

The brand, however, is the asset that, managed efficiently, appreciates its value over time. Take a moment to reflect on the future of your brand.

How a brand can benefit from viral marketing

Jonah Berger, a marketing professor at the Wharton School, once said, “Virality isn't born, it's made.” In other words, no brand is born with the ability to viralize, and viral marketing can be thought, planned and put into practice by any brand.

Branding - a process of discovering the uniqueness of a business

The technology developed over the past 30 years has led to increased productivity, the supply of products and services, the removal of barriers between countries.

How to Create Brand-Generated Content

The challenge for brands is to find ways to use the digital environment to enhance their authenticity.

Building a brand requires integrated action

Unlike other vectors, it is the product that can convey in a more concrete form the idea of the brand.

How to ensure personalization of the user experience

Today, consumers are connected daily, split their attention between at least two devices, and have access to any type of information.

How do you generate an integrated offline online interaction with consumers?

New consumers, Millennials and especially the Generation Z that follow them, have grown up in a world where the differences between offline and online are almost imperceptible. For them there is no longer a barrier between the digital world and the physical world. It seems natural to them, perhaps even mandatory, that the online experience continues offline and vice versa.

Content Strategy: Content relevant for the customer and effective for the company

Nowadays, brands are under fantastic pressure to constantly increase the amount of content, to use multiple channels, from blogs, websites to social media and many more that have just been born.

Andrei Dobre, Online Brand Manager

The special things that come to light are the creation of extraordinary people. Today, the man of the day is Andrei Dobre, Online Brand Manager

The role of packaging design in the relationship of millennials with brands

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are the ones who have revolutionized the world of business and, by extension, branding. They have different attitudes and values and question everything. They are the generation of WHY.

6 Best Practices in Packaging Design for Millennials

After learning in Part I of this article what defines Millennials, what their expectations are and the relationships they define with brands, we will continue to present 6 best practices identified by us at the level of packaging design for millennials.

I have a brand. How do I protect it?

Whether your business is a growing start-up or has recently gone through a rapid sprint branding process, the next step is to take the steps necessary to register and protect it in the territory where it operates.

Oana Raitmaer, Financial & Logistics

The special things that come to light are the creation of extraordinary people. Today's man of the day is Oana Raitmaer, Financial & Logistics

5 Reasons Why You Need to Analyze Your Brand

For your brand to turn into a well-designed machine that gives your business a competitive advantage, you just need to know which buttons to press.

Oanna Turta, Senior Brand Designer

The special things that come to light are the creation of extraordinary people. Today's Man of the Day is Oanna Turta, Senior Brand Designer

Why and how to do branding in times of crisis

No matter how hard we try, we can never be well enough prepared to face a crisis. One of the main reasons would be that any crisis comes with many uncertainties and changes that are difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate.

Adrian Boc, Digital Brand Manager

The special things that come to light are the creation of extraordinary people. Today, the man of the day is Adrian Boc Digital Brand Manager

Brandfusion Technology Division Branding

The name change reflects the vision of the technology division to dedicate its service portfolio to eCommerce solutions and become the partner in digital transformation for all types of businesses

Stefan Ferencz, Brand Design Director

The special things that come to light are the creation of extraordinary people. Today's man of the day is Stefan Ferencz, Brand Design Director

Packaging design must support the business strategy

Packaging design is not a personal artistic exercise and is not done for the sake of the creative act. It is a tool that must support the brand, its attributes, and the previously thought out business strategy.

Elena Dumitru, Brand Designer

The special things that come to light are the creation of extraordinary people. Today, the colleague of the day is Elena Dumitru, Brand Designer

How to turn purpose into performance

In a world marked by economic exchanges, companies that let themselves be driven by a cause above financial results, are the “rare avis”.

Designers are not taxi drivers

Peter L Phillips, a veteran of contemporary design, uses a highly suggestive comparison in his book Creating the perfect design brief to illustrate the context in which design and designers are viewed by customers.

Ruxandra Trica, Senior Brand Consultant

The special things that come to light are the creation of extraordinary people. Today, the colleague of the day is Ruxandra Trică, Senior Brand Consultant.

Branding with impact

It's a phrase that we at Brandfusion often use to describe what we do. But in our field of branding, assessing the value and impact of work is perhaps the most difficult thing to do.

Creativity in Design

Every time I am put in the position of explaining what I do as a graphic designer in a branding agency, I am immediately labeled as a creative, talented man and with a developed artistic side.

Brandfusion wins gold at Transform Awards Europe 2023 with Adams Supplements rebranding

The winners of the 14th edition of the Transform Awards Europe were announced at the ceremony held on 22 March in London.

About creativity awarded with Stefan Ferencz, Brand Design Director Brandfusion

We invited our colleague Stefan Ferencz, Brand Design Director, to share some thoughts about what it means to participate and win in such a competition...

Brand Audit - Find out what the status of your brand is.

Today's brands are flexible, agile and easily adapt to the needs of the modern consumer. This is because they know how to correctly assess their status and make the right decisions, thinking about the future of the business.

Mona Ursu, CEO of Brandfusion, awarded at Capital Gala Top 100 Successful Women in Romania 2023

Capital Magazine organized Thursday, June 22, the Gala Top 100 Successful Women, 2023 edition, an event dedicated to celebrating the outstanding results achieved by the nominated personalities.

The success of a branding process is the result of dedication and discipline

The branding process involves change. It's about a new way of showing yourself to the world, relating to those around you, or getting things done.

The Value of Tradition and How to Build a Brand's Legacy

In a world where everything changes at lightning speed, the heritage of a brand gives consumers stability. The more we move towards a digital and virtual world, the more nostalgia grows for the times when things seemed simpler, more palpable.

LogoLounge Book 14: Recognizing Creativity in Brand Design

After winning gold at Transform Awards Europe 2023 with the Adams Supplements project, we are delighted to learn that 4 of the identities we have recently developed are featured in LogoLounge Book, issue 14.

Unrepeatable transformation - the first rebranding

In the complex and dynamic world of graphic design and branding, the first rebranding of a company represents a unique journey for both the design team and the clients.

Brandfusion Wins New Award at Rebrand 100 Global Awards

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the REBRAND 100® Global Awards, the first and most respected global program to recognize effective brand transformations, announced its 2024 edition winners in early March.

The brand, proof of concept of a business

Faced with the need to navigate the complexities of today's business reality, brands must embrace a strategic, authentic and innovative approach.