How to ensure personalization of the user experience

The modern consumer is bombarded with so much information nowadays, in the context that in the last 2-3 years, globally, humanity has developed more information than in its entire history.

Today, consumers are connected daily, split their attention between at least two devices, and have access to every type of information: from nuclear physics courses to the latest InstaMoments posted by celebrities online. But the time available remains the same, and their attention span is getting smaller and smaller. In this new reality, brands fight for consumer attention with thousands of other content creators in the same time frame.

How can brands attract the attention of consumers and create a relationship in the digital environment, with so much noise around?

The answer may be simple: By personalizing the experience.

Brands can attract the attention of the consumer when:

\ step out of the paradigm of generalization (one brand for all) and focus on being close to the desired segment

\ creates content for the individual and not for the crowd/category.

\ when it directly addresses the consumer with whom it interacts online.\ personalizes the online experience of its consumers.

How can you personalize the consumer experience in the digital environment? Here are some insights:

1. Content tailored to your history and past experiences (Data Driven Personalization)

What if, being vegan, when you enter a brand's recipe blog you get suggestions to only see the recipes without meat, that's because the brand knows what your previous searches have been? This can be done if the online presence is developed on evolved content management platforms such as, for example, the Danish platform Dynamicweb, on which we, Brandfusion, also develop digital projects for our clients.

2. Integrating Customer Service into Social Media

What if when you enter a brand's Social Media account you are invited directly to the conversation in a chat window with a person who can give the answer to your problem, not just redirect you further? This way you feel that the brand is talking directly to you.

3. Location-based communication

How many times has it happened to you that when you enter a mall you receive an SMS with a discount campaign or with an offer from the food area? Geolocation allows you to customize the messages you send to consumers based on where they are. What if, using a shopping list app, your favorite retailer could let you know, when you're around, what products you still need to buy?

4th. Involve the consumer in as many communication channels as possible (offline and online)

What if brands used the insights given by consumers in the online environment to offer them a personalised product/range offline?

A good example is Nutella's “Unique” campaign. Like You” that has benefited from a lot of exposure both in traditional media and online, generating 10,000 videos created by consumers with their unique version of the product label design.


Who/of is a multivitamin brand that has understood that there is no panacea either when it comes to product or when it comes to brand communication. And that, personalization is what ensures your fidelity. Thus, by entering them on the site, in addition to classic products you are invited to fill out an interactive online questionnaire (about your lifestyle, interests, perception of vitamins, etc.) in order to finally recommend a personalized package of vitamins.


Starbucks is a good example of a brand that uses geolocation to personalize the experience of its loyal consumers. Located on the premises of a Starbucks store, consumers who have installed the app receive bonuses or promotional products if they stop on their way to the nearby coffee shop.

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