Oanna Turta, Senior Brand Designer

We are curious to know how you got to do this job. Was it coincidence or calling? What was the triggering factor?

There wasn't necessarily a trigger, I always loved doing things and over time I discovered that creativity alone is not enough, you have to analyze, understand and plan to get a good result. This process pretty much overlaps with the concept of design thinking, and even though it sounds pompous, I can say that for me it works naturally, it's the way I learned to think.

How do you find your inspiration? What do you do if you have creative bottlenecks?

I don't believe in creative bottlenecks. I believe that every project has its own pace and each solution comes naturally, from the information you have at your disposal. When it does not appear, it means that something is missing and you need to dig deeper - that's where inspiration is also found. When you force a result, there is a good chance that it will not be the most suitable.

What areas of design are you passionate about?

Pretty much all of them!:)). I have a native curiosity that constantly challenges me to explore, see how things work, and experiment. Now I am very attracted to digital (illustration, animation, UI) and am fascinated by the evolution that has taken place in a relatively short time. Things that a few years ago required a lot of time and effort, now can be done immediately with the help of easily accessible and very easy-to-use tools.

What is your creative process? How do you approach a new project?

First of all, I listen, analyze, and try to refrain from forming opinions or ideas until the whole puzzle is complete. Then I put myself in the shoes of the user/consumer to understand what motivates him and only then, after I have a picture as complete as possible, I start drawing.

How do you work with other colleagues in other departments (developers, strategists, etc.)? How has the pandemic changed the dynamic?

I think the pandemic has made us more efficient and, a little ironically, closer and more caring to each other.

Tell us about a project you are most proud of.

I could not choose one. I am proud of all the projects I have been involved in because from each of them I have had something to learn.

What brands or design projects do you admire the most?

As brands, Apple, Nike and Ikea immediately come to mind. I like it because they are user-centered but also because, from communication, you can immediately feel their personality. Projects, on the other hand, are far too many that I admire so I will not give examples. I think we are living in the most prolific period of brand design.

Why does it take a designer to be really good?

A lot of patience and restraint. Graphic design is often confused with visual art, and because of this, there is a tendency to demand more of it than would be necessary. There is always more pressure on the aesthetic side when, in fact, design is a fine balance between style, function and user. So in a project, you need patience to explore and weigh all possible directions, restraint so as not to fall into the temptation of the beautiful but superficial result and, again, patience to support your decisions.

Tell us how a day goes on at work.

As a structure, I don't think it's any different from a day at any other job: a coffee in the morning, browsing a few sites, a planning meeting and some tasks to solve. The beautiful part is found in the details, in the actual tasks and in the fact that almost every day I have the chance to create something new.

Do you dream of working on an ideal project?

Yes, the identity of a city. But done as a la carte, a holistic approach focused on experience, not just a logo stuck on some buses.

Is there anything that inspires you in everyday life?

Curiosity is my “drug”. I like to learn new things and that brings new ideas.

We are curious how you would organize your life on a desert island. What would be the 5 items you would take with you there?

First of all, I have to take care of the organization (I love nature a lot but I could not live Bear Grylls style). With a cutter and some adhesive tape I want to think that I would build myself a little paradise:))
Then the tablet and pencil - maybe that's where I manage to take the time to draw.
And a sweatshirt because no matter where that island is, I will surely be cold to you at some point.

We spent a lot of great moments on our team. Do you remember one in particular?

I remember my first online date from the pandemic. Although there was a lot of uncertainty and worry in the air, there was also hope, and encouragement, and mutual support. That's when I understood how important the team is to branfusion and that we can do whatever we set out to do.

Is there anything you would like to know about yourself that you haven't had the opportunity to tell us?

I like to believe that anything is possible.

Remote work, especially in your job, is no longer a utopia. Do you have a favorite place where you would like to work remotely?

Now I'm excited about the idea of a desert island.

What is the thing you are most proud of?

I am proud of the path I found, that I walked it without hesitation and that I still enjoy the scenery.

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