Brand Audit - Find out what the status of your brand is.

Today's brands are flexible, agile and easily adapt to the needs of the modern consumer. This is because they know how to correctly assess their status and make the right decisions, thinking about the future of the business.

Brand Check-up is a professional brand audit service offered by Brandfusion that helps you assess the current position of your brand.

What you will get

You will understand if your brand is ready to meet the changing needs of the modern customer

The modern customer has very high expectations, understands that he has options and wants rich experiences that matter. Your brand needs to anticipate and move at the speed at which it moves to meet the needs of the consumer.

You will see if the messages your brand communicates are important to your customers

Modern consumers are bombarded with information and messages from all sides: sites, ads, testimonials, content, outdoor, etc. Your brand needs to communicate in a targeted manner and use actionable messages.

You will understand why customers choose your brand to the detriment of the competition

At the rate at which customer expectations change, one returning customer can be much more valuable than ten new customers you gain. Your brand needs to know what are the attributes that make it desirable and capitalize on them.

You will understand what your customers expect from a brand in your industry

With instant access to any type of information, consumers know more than ever. Sometimes more than you. Make sure your brand understands the context in which it exists and what its basic expectations are.

You will see what are the points that differentiate you in front of the competition

In an increasingly saturated and competitive market and with more demanding consumers than ever, brands must really stand out to generate growth. Your brand needs to know how to position itself against the competition and build on what sets it apart.

You will understand if your brand positioning is still current

Strong brands are built on an idea, a clearly defined purpose, which they constantly use as a source of energy for business. And although the purpose of doing business never changes, how you say it depends on the context in which you are.

You will see if the people in the organization are aligned to fulfill the same purpose

The greatest strength of a company is its people. And when your team shares the same purpose and fights for the same ideals, it's much easier to focus on delivering a unique consumer experience.

You will find out if your brand story is communicated clearly and convincingly

Brands win fans by being part of their story, sharing with them the same purpose and values. Make sure you tell the story of your brand convincingly and that others find inspiration and meaning in what you say.

You'll find out if your brand behaves coherently at every touch point

A brochure, an email, a conversation at the reception. All of them are points of contact with your brand (touch points), moments when you can win a fan or lose a customer forever. Your brand needs to be consistent with each and deliver the same promise every time.

Who you will work with

A mixed team of senior brand consultants and strategists, designers and research team.

Together, we have over 200 active branding and rebranding projects and dozens of audit projects that laid the foundation for our projects.

Do you need more information, or do you want to move on to action? Let's get to know each other!

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