Stefan Ferencz, Brand Design Director

We are curious to know how you got to do this job. Was it coincidence or calling? What was the triggering factor?

I would like to say that it was calling, but fate also played an important role. Since I was a child I was attracted and fascinated by the visual world, labels and logos, even though I did not know that this profession existed...
For a long time, I thought I wanted to be a product designer. In college, however, I discovered the fascinating universe of graphic design, which I seemed to do better at. Everything connected when I started working and understood how many valences and subtleties this area has.

How do you find your inspiration? What do you do if you have creative bottlenecks?

I know it sounds like a cliché, but inspiration really is everywhere. I practice my spirit of observation of details, of interesting ideas in any field. When needed, I dig into all these fragments of ideas, find their “red thread” and let them develop creatively. Often I too am amazed by the results.

I think the creative bottleneck can have a beneficial side. If a designer feels stuck, it means that he is responsible, not treating the topic superficially. Perhaps he is too strict, demanding with his work and does not see the optimal solution. When I get this, I try to break the rhythm, deal with another topic, or even travel. I noticed that the best solutions are those that stayed longer in the “leaven” and always appeared after a trip.

What areas of design are you passionate about?

If it were after me, I would only draw symbols, identities and letters. But I still enjoy watching everything new in digital, the interestingness between AI and human creativity. But none of these areas is independent, in order to master them you need to be able to work with theoretical elements from all spheres of design. Although I know the expression: Jack of all trades, master of none- I believe that it is the duty of every designer to understand and master as many concepts as possible in the spheres of design, in order to be successful.

What is your creative process? How do you approach a new project?

I read and recite the brief, attend as many meetings with the client as possible and listen. I am totally immersed in that field or niche. I save myself many references and approaches - good and bad - and try to understand as best as possible the need of stakeholders: the client and the user/consumer. Then, I go through my inspiration folders and try to see what ideas activate. Further... it's a secret:)).

How do you work with other colleagues in other departments (developers, strategists, etc.)? How has the pandemic changed the dynamic?

The pandemic forced us to streamline internal processes even more. I work successfully with all colleagues, we even complement and help each other, when appropriate.

Tell us about a project you are most proud of.

Hmm, like any designer, when I look back, I always see something that could be improved. So I propose that the project that I am most proud of is always just started.

What brands or design projects do you admire the most?

In addition to the predictable (Nike, Apple, etc) I admire many brands that, in addition to caring for the customer, build their personality and communicate it authentically: Rapha, Patagonia, Innocent. But also many others that are more disruptive, that use the power of branding to change categories. There are too many projects to admire and the favorite ones are constantly updated, so I can not pronounce myself.

Why does it take a designer to be really good?

Visual education, patience, curiosity and passion. I would add responsibility, attention to detail and intuition. He must know that he can never consider himself an expert. Frank L. Smith Wright said that experts are the ones who stop thinking, because they know. And if they know, they don't ask questions anymore, they don't challenge the status quo, relying on limited knowledge. A good designer must always be curious and eager for new knowledge.

Tell us how a day goes on at work.

I always start my day with my morning coffee, prepared ritually. If I can mobilize, I also try to do sports before starting work. Thus, I feel that when I sit down at the computer I am ready to go “into bread”. In addition to meetings with the BF team, there is no lack of constant search for inspiration on various sites, research on the news in the field of branding. I love being up to date and motivated by the cool things we can create together, as a team.

Do you dream of working on an ideal project?

Yes, I have always dreamed of doing branding for an NBA team or an airline. But I would love a project that recreates from 0 a brand of global scale, in which I participate in all aspects, strategy and design that we have discussed.

Is there anything that inspires you in everyday life?

The boundless creativity of people, from any field. I like to put myself in the position of observer and admire the results that can be achieved, especially in areas where you would not say there is still room for innovation.

We are curious how you would organize your life on a desert island. What would be the 5 items you would take with you there?

First of all, being pragmatic, I would take 3 utilitarian objects for myself: a machete, a fishing rod, a lighter. To be able to enjoy this special experience, I would still like a kindle with solar battery, charged with thousands of books. And because I would like to be able to tell you about all the vicissitudes of the island with ease, I would still take a travel diary.

We spent a lot of great moments on our team. Do you remember one in particular?

In 11 years there have been many special moments. Moments of panic in deadlines, emotions of presentations, reasons for celebration and moments of relaxation with colleagues. It's hard for me to choose one but going ad hoc to Oktoberfest Brasov is one of the moments when I really felt the spirit of the BF:).

Is there anything you would like to know about yourself that you haven't had the opportunity to tell us?

Surely there are enough... But I challenge you to find them having a beer, on our wonderful terrace in Strada Sighișoara nr. 36:).

Remote work, especially in your job, is no longer a utopia. Do you have a favorite place where you would like to work remotely?

I don't think I could choose a single place. Ideally, I visualize myself traveling and changing locations as inspiration calls me. Obviously, a few exotic destinations come to mind, but also large cities that I have not been to before.

What is the thing you are most proud of?

I am proud that I have been able to turn my passion into a way of life, proud that I have moments when I consider myself a designer.

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