Adrian Boc, Digital Brand Manager

We know that sometimes it is difficult to explain to those outside our job what we are dealing with. How would you explain to your mother what you are doing, in just a few words?
My role is to facilitate digital projects, whether we are talking about website development (and their architecture), application interfaces, newsletters or just specific web design and UI/UX projects. I work closely with designers and strategists as well as developers and try to ensure as fluid a connection as possible between the 2 slightly different worlds, to ensure that we are all on the same line and that we achieve our proposed goals. In parallel with this, I enjoy doing brand research and constantly participate in brainstorming sessions in branding and brand naming projects.

What would a successful digital project look like for you?
To be successful, a digital project should be thoroughly thought out (with the end user always in mind), delivered on time, and executed so that, ideally, it doesn't have any major post-launch bugs.

We are curious to know how you got to do this job. Was it coincidence or calling? What was the triggering factor?
I've always wanted to work in a field that combines technology with creativity. Having telecommunication engineer parents, I was passionate about and exposed to technology of all kinds (mobile phones, computers, amateur radio, etc.) as a child. At the same time, I have always liked how these types of tech products (as well as cars) are designed for different audiences, and all this is reflected in the way they are communicated, named and launched on the market. From that to wanting to work in branding was a simple step, also facilitated by the chance I received 8 years ago, to work in the Brandfusion team, where I continue to learn how to do branding with impact:).

As a brand manager, how does your job influence you in other aspects of life? Has it changed your perspective in any way?
I am very attentive to the technology, brands and campaigns around me. I always love discovering new things, information and brands and seeing what I can learn and take good from them and how they change and influence our daily lives.

Tell us how a day at work goes
I almost always start the day by discussing projects, plans and ideas with colleagues. Then, I work either on my own or alongside the design and development teams to carry out digital and branding projects. Among such work rounds, there are often researches, brainstorming, presentations or workshops with clients. I try as much as possible to devote a special learning time every day, however short and not necessarily directly relevant to digital branding.

Do you dream of working on an ideal project?
I don't know if there is such a thing, but I would like to see new possibilities for brand and business development emerge from every digital project, so that we and the customer always have in mind - what's next?

How do you imagine technology in 10 years?
I think much more integrated into our lives, that we will want it or we will not want it. Much more accessible and easy to use by anyone. The concepts of smart home, autonomous mobility, wearables or AR&VR will begin to be the order of the day as smartphones or televisions are today.

We understand that you like sports a lot. Do you have a favorite one?
I really like to play basketball with my friends, but football is in the first place as a sport to watch and I try not to miss any match in the Champions League. Locally they play with the University of Craiova (but rarely get to a match of theirs) and internationally with Paris Saint-Germain (where I hope to get to a match of theirs at some point).

We are curious how you would organize your life on a desert island. What would be the 5 items you would take with you there?
I would take a tool kit, a fire lighter, a radio station, a manual electric generator, and some seeds. This in the hope that it would be a welcoming desert island, where I could easily find drinking water and food, at least in the early days.

We spent a lot of great moments on our team. Do you remember one in particular?
I would say that it is a multitude of common moments, but which created a special memory. Specifically, the frequent full gatherings on our terrace at a barbecue, on the occasion of various anniversaries or celebrations. Even when I organized them in the basement (due to the cold or rain), they were just as pleasant.

Is there anything you would like to know about yourself that you haven't had the opportunity to tell us?
I am currently trying to complete a house that I have been crafting at for the past 2 years, after multiple learning rounds, lack of craftsmen and material stock bottlenecks. I hope to move into it as soon as possible.

Remote work, especially in your job, is no longer a utopia. Do you have a favorite place where you would like to work remotely?
I would love to work from anywhere as efficiently and have technological mobility as not to be kept in one place. The closer it is to a place in nature and further away from traffic, the better.

What is the thing you are most proud of?
I am proud that I have remained as curious as I was when I was little and can follow my passion and hunger for information in what I do day by day.

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