Things we love: packaging design

Because the inspiration comes from the most varied sources and, above all, from different people, we thought of creating the series Things we like to share with you the ideas, moments, brands, etc. that have caught our attention or that we have saved in Bookmarksto return to them.

For this episode, we challenged the creative department to talk to us about packaging design projects they've appreciated over time. From modern approaches to effective solutions for multi-category brands, from the simplicity specific to private brands, to the attention to detail characteristic of premium brands — they all speak to how a well-thought-out packaging design can help brands strengthen their market position or attract new consumers.


For how well the design expresses the premium positioning of the brand and one of its differentiating attributes — the provenance of the products. The Lofoten area (from which the name is also derived) is a traditional area in Norway, an archipelago recognized for its rocky landscapes and culinary dishes. More details about the brand here.


For the courage to refresh a brand with tradition and reposition it as a landmark of the category - the representative of the values of products of Argentine origin. For a master packaging differentiator, which captures the category very well and what makes the brand unique in the industry.

More about the brand, with a few words in Spanish caught up over time herein.


For modern, simple and clean design that matches the style of today's consumer — looking for authenticity and eager to explore. For the solutions found to combine the Asian style with the European style so as to capture the brand differentiator and for the extensibility of master packaging, applied to at least six product categories. More about the project here.

5' minutes

For how well the design captures the name and positioning of the brand (affordable and handy products for lunch), for the simplicity and minimalism so necessary when drawing a private label and for the extensibility of master packaging, equally essential for private brands. More details about the project here.

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