Andrei Dobre, Online Brand Manager

We know that sometimes it is difficult to explain to those outside our job what we are dealing with. How would you explain to your mother what you are doing, in just a few words?
I am in charge of promoting brands or any business that wants to be known online. For example, ads you see on Facebook or banners on any website. Basically, nowadays, a business or product that is not in the online environment, is like a car kept in the garage all the time, which no one sees.

What would a successful campaign look like for you?
To be successful, a campaign must first have a very well defined target to which you are going to address. No matter what budget you have at your disposal, it is the audience that tilts the balance towards success.

We are curious to know how you got to do this job. Was it coincidence or calling? What was the triggering factor?
It was a combination of chance and calling. My first job was in the field of tourism, I was in charge of managing a website promoting accommodation establishments in Romania.

I had the chance to join the team before its launch, so in 6 years I was able to participate in every stage of development of a new business. And here I mean from the creation of the site database, content and online communication.

All this, together with the opportunity to participate in the first Google Ads course at institutional level in Romania. From here, the natural course was to dedicate myself to online communication activities and so I was invited to the Brandfusion family, 6 years ago and since then the story continues to be written:)

As an online marketer, how does your job influence you in other aspects of life? Has it changed your perspective in any way?
I am very attentive to the campaigns around me. I appreciate when I'm targeted with relevant ads, which means the person at the end of the thread has done their job well. But this does not mean that I am the ideal customer. They differ from business to business, some need specialized traffic, others volume.

Tell us how a day at work goes
My child wakes me up at 7 o'clock (on good days), and until 10 o'clock when we have the morning meeting with colleagues, I solve my tasks at my dad job.

At the meeting with the team we discuss planning the day and take the pulse of the day. Then they start checking active online campaigns, if they are notable events. Depending on the indicators observed, I decide whether it is necessary to analyze more deeply and intervene with optimizations.

During the day, I work alongside the design team to create banners, social media post templates, and other online communication materials. And depending on the existing projects in the company, I participate in researches, brainstorming or workshops with clients.

Do you dream of working on an ideal project?
From my point of view, the ideal project is one in which the strategy and communication team has total freedom of “expression” and a generous media budget.

What do you think of the Metaverse concept? Does it have anything to do with what you do?
I think it's pretty obvious that the trend of the Metaverse is to become a place where most activities, businesses, will coexist, merging the real world with a virtual world, in a continuous evolution.

From the perspective of online communication, I expect the Metaverse to have total freedom in the level of creativity and how the message of brands will reach customers for an experience as close to physical reality as possible.

Is there anything that inspires you in everyday life?
I can say that athletes inspire me a lot, they are a role model for me, both psychologically and in dedication. I appreciate Nadal, Lionel Messi, Ronnie O'Sullivan and Stephen Curry, even being lucky to see the top three live.

We understand that you like sports a lot. Do you have a favorite one?
Football comes first, or at least it still is. I am a Dinamo and FC Barcelona fan and I try not to miss any matches. For the rest, I watch Formula 1, NBA, snooker, handball, ski jumping and most major events (olympics, world championships, etc.).

We are curious how you would organize your life on a desert island. What would be the 5 items you would take with you there?
I would take my computer, a ball to keep me in shape, a boat and a fishing rod. 5th thing would be a toolkit to be able to be productive and find a way to power my computer:)

We spent a lot of great moments on our team. Do you remember one in particular?

Our first outing in a teambuilding, in Bulgaria at a vineyard close to the Danube. It was a very pleasant opportunity to spend more time together, have fun and drink good wine.

Is there anything you would like to know about yourself that you haven't had the opportunity to tell us?
I am very competitive, I like to win, whether it is a sport or a board game. I admit I'm not a fan of the motto “It's important to participate.”

Do you just like to listen to music or even dance?
Although at first glance I am a more sober disposition, I love to dance a lot. I think it's one of the best ways to relax.

Remote work, especially in your job, is no longer a utopia. Do you have a favorite place where you would like to work remotely?
Being a nature and hiking lover, I would love to work in the Dolomites, at a mountaintop hut 3000 m away.

What is the thing you are most proud of?
First of all, I am proud that I was able to follow my passion and then anchor myself in reality and grow professionally, although my background is a little different.

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