How to turn purpose into performance

In a world marked by economic exchanges, companies that let themselves be driven by a cause above financial results, are the “rare avis”. In business parlance, they are identified as “purpose-driven companies”.

For the people of these companies, “purpose” represents the validation of the cause that they support through their work, it means doing something with meaning, getting involved so that the result of their work makes a difference outside the economic borders of the company.

Becoming such a company is a long road, sprinkled with a lot of skepticism from “top executives,” accustomed to focusing on generating economic value and too little on creating a work environment inspired by aspirational causes.

As a rule, when “top executives” begin to embrace the idea of connecting the organization's people with “purpose”, it happens at a time of crisis, when they are forced to think of new ways to motivate employees and increase their performance. At that time, the relationship between the employee and the company is strictly transactional. For a certain amount of money, the employee delivers a certain volume of work. When the employee does not perform, the company comes up with incentives or a control system to counteract this situation.

Of course, the healthiest thing is not to reach this point, and the organization to thoroughly, step by step, build a philosophy of doing things, centered on “purpose”.

From the experience of our projects and studies on the best practices applied in our branding industry, we have identified 6 essential steps in building a “purpose-driven” organization.

Discover “purpose”
One of the myths about the idea of “purpose” says that it must be invented by a team, preferably creative, to sound uplifting. “Purpose” does not need to be invented. He exists wherever there is a group of people who make things move in a certain way and in a certain direction. It can be discovered in a collective creative process, and most importantly, it must inspire every important decision of the company.

Maintain the message
Having a purpose is nothing if it does not become the central message in business actions. It is a continuous work to keep it in the attention of the organization, in every conversation, decision, problem. And management has the responsibility to validate its authenticity by assuming it in all decision-making formulas.

Stimulates people to develop in the direction of “purpose”
The key element in the life of any employee is evolution through learning. It is important that the development plan of any employee synchronizes with the “purpose” of the organization. It is also important that people are able to link their own “purpose” with professional life and the purpose of the organization's existence.

Transform your middle management team into champions of “purpose”
The power of example is important to create an organization determined to act on behalf of “purpose”. Middle management is key in this process and a source of continuous inspiration for their teams. It is necessary for them to understand “purpose”, to make the connection between personal and professional “purpose” not only at the declarative level, but especially at the decision level.

Connect “purpose” with front-line employees
The power of the top-down example is important, however, the participation of the organization in its totality, makes all the difference. It is the time when internal actions create tangible evidence for the members of the organization. The creation of artifacts not only supports the understanding of the message behind the “purpose”, but, more importantly, it fosters its penetration into the culture of the organization. Thus, transformation begins from the inside, people become proud of where they contribute with their work, recruitment becomes effective, and the percentage of dropouts decreases.

Spread “purpose” with positive energy
Identify agents of change, optimistic people, who can inspire others naturally. They are indispensable in any change in the culture of the organization. Create with them a network of “fans” of “purpose”. Involve them in the design and implementation of change processes. The more they understand the meaning of “purpose,” the more they will energize their work environment, share ideas, and come up with constructive feedback from those they come into contact with.

Studies undoubtedly show the link between employees' attachment to a cause they serve through their work and the financial performance of the company (e.g. “Corporate Purpose and Financial Performance”, Claudine Madras, Gartenberg, Andrea Prat, George Serafeim). “Purpose” influences the financial health and competitiveness of a company. When people find meaning in their work, they unhesitatingly devote their energy and dedication to their work, progress, contribute more and better.

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