Oana Raitmaer, Financial & Logistics

How would you explain to someone on the outside what Brandfusion is and what it does?

Brandfusion is part of a niche, must-have in an economy, so to speak, on the move, dedicated to educating entrepreneurs. It is like a consulting activity. Just as you think at the beginning of doing your own business and talk to a lawyer, an accountant, so should you take the first step towards Brandfusion to configure and model your dreams or concept as an entrepreneur about your future firm.

And how would you describe in a few words your work at Brandfusion?

My work at Brandfusion is made from the bits and pieces, many and small, such as unseen activities, in the back. That is, you look at a beautiful watch like this and you see that it is going, but there are many wheels behind, of the team, and a piece of the gear is also me, the one that deals with the connection between the gears, with the technology team, with the strategy, with the suppliers, with the customers, with the accounting, with the institutions of the state. I am the contact person, also within the team, but also with the outside.

Tell us how an ordinary day at work goes.

It starts with a rather long “to do” list, from which I do my best to cut as many as possible, to which, at the end of the day, they add as many, or maybe even more.:)

They are routine activities, which I do every day, and there are activities that come like this from time to time. Routine ones relate to the accounting firm, updating the situation with suppliers, with receipts from customers, and it may also occur to make an invoice, to make an annex to a contract, or there may be bushier activities that can stretch over several days, such as handing over primary accounting to the accounting firm, or participating in the inventory. In addition, there may also be activities with the team, which I miss and that come, like, ad hoc, when we decide to organize something nice.

Do you find that there are still things to learn in your work, or some that you would like to do more?

Yes, I would like to allow more time to rummage through applications, programs, discover how Excel, for example, can help me, with which I have been working for so many years, make my work easier, knowing that maybe much more than I am asking for now. The working tools are in a continuous process of adaptation anyway. Eleven years ago, we were not talking about Zoom, or Slack, or still walking papers to different state institutions all day in the car, and now we have a digital signature, apply it and send the documents to e-mail, or upload them to a virtual space where you can discover some information without making your way to the counters. As long as everything is changing, I will always have something to learn.

Do you personally have a project that you would like to dedicate yourself to? What would that be?

And personally I want to rummage and learn something more related to photo processing.

We know that you are passionate about photography. What do you like to photograph the most?

As a beginner who is with the camera in hand and wants to discover, of course I tried to approach everything, much, everything, until I get an idea of what would suit me and what I like best, right for which I have goals for landscape, portrait, and macro photography. Of course, I also get inspired by the context, that maybe I'm on vacation in Greece and I take landscape pictures from the boat, or I take portraits of friends' children, or I sit on my belly and watch the ants eat and do macro.

But of all, I am most fascinated by the macro world. I've discovered that there's something fantastic out there, something you can't see, and I'd love for others to discover that other than me. The most handy for now are the flowers, because they are very kind subjects, and I can put them in any position, sit to pinch their petals and get into their privacy.:)

Is there a person whose life you find so interesting that you would like to live it for a day?

I don't know if anyone specifically as a person, but if I still got into the subject before, of seeing that small, small, small world, something I think I would have loved to do in life is to be in a research lab and see the little things that happen there. So I would like to sit for a day and look into some microscopes and try to understand what is going on there.

We are curious how you would organize your life on a desert island. What would be the 5 items you would take with you there?

Of course, one would be the camera, that lately it is stuck to my hand, a box of candy, it must also be something sweet:), a chaise longue, that maybe I can find a shade of a tree, a book that I was struggling to make time for, and a cat.:)

Is there anything you would like to know about yourself that you haven't had the opportunity to tell us?

That I am fine here, that I am fine now, that I am fine with you.

We spent a lot of great moments on our team. Do you remember one in particular?

Let's say the first, the first moment I felt the Brandfusion team. It was very shortly after I arrived, not even a month, when I changed premises. Then, in 2 days, no matter what work I had to do in the office, we moved the premises together, without resorting to a moving company. Everyone took his office and tried to find his own place, to arrange it beautifully, to take his colleague with whom he got along better. I remember everyone putting screws on their desk, putting another flower on the windowsill, a painting on the wall. We were trying to arrange our nest. Having recently joined the company and having walked through different places throughout my life, I felt that there was family and there was home. And all that followed were similar.

How do you see Brandfusion in 11 more years?

The answer is challenging, and the changes in recent years have been accelerating, more surprising. I feel and would like to remain one of the leaders in this market segment. If I sit looking on the internet, a horror of companies have appeared that say they do branding and strategy among many others, only here is a dedicated team and has gone through a lot of projects, which has faced many, being on the market for so many years. You know that you are talking to a specialist, and that will not change.

Seen with your own eyes, how do you feel about the work of creating brands?

The first time I heard of such a thing was many years before, when Mona explained to me what she was going to do with Brandfusion. I said, “Wow, this is groundbreaking.” Still, after so many years, it seems to me that he's pioneered what Brandfusion does, by trying to educate the market and the people here. If it seems difficult to do branding in a western country, where there is another market and another stability of brands and other entrepreneurial education, here the challenge is even greater and will remain.

What is the thing you are most proud of?

I'm proud of myself for tying things up, even at Brandfusion, and in the family, between friends. Everywhere I am the liaison man, the man who causes some events, some things to do, some actions.

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