5 Reasons Why You Need to Analyze Your Brand

For your brand to turn into a well-designed machine that gives your business a competitive advantage, you just need to know which buttons to press.

If you are taking the first steps in building your brand, if you have a growing business (for which the brand is a reliable ally) or if you have a stable, consolidated business (for which you still have big plans), it is good to have clarity on its current status, so that you know what brand actions can serve the business in the future.

From our experience in brand strategy, this clarity on the brand results from a detailed analysis of the brand.

So here are 5 reasons why you should opt for an analysis of your brand:

1. Find out what elements of uniqueness your brand possesses, following the analysis of its manifestations

From the brand name (if it helps the brand to distinguish itself in the category, but also to say something essential about it and its purpose), to the brand logo (if it creates associations relevant to the business) and to the way the brand communicates (tone of communication, communication messages, etc.). After a detailed analysis, the BIS (Business Information Systems) realized that the brand name designates a whole category of services and does not help it differentiate itself. Thus, we created the name Allevo (from the Latin “ad+levo” — to raise, to grow) which supports the brand's idea: business accelerator for its customers.

2. See where your brand could occupy in the competitive landscape, following competition and market analysis

Understand which relevant competitors you are fighting for customer attention and loyalty, as well as what each of them offers differently and uniquely. Through this, you find out what place their brand occupies in the minds of consumers and at the same time in their purchase decision. You understand what opportunities and trends your industry offers and how you can secure a competitive edge that lasts over time. The analysis of the competitors and the promises made helped the Valcean retailer Annabella to take the place of “100% Romanian Network”, once it entered the market in the capital.

3. See if your brand meets the needs and aspirations of your customers by analyzing them

By better understanding a number of elements in their universe (priorities, needs, expectations, buying and consumption behaviors), you will be able to decide whether you need to make changes at the level of brand promise so that you can meet the needs of your customers. Consumer analysis revealed for Mirodenia a new promise, around the idea of 100% natural. We redesigned the packaging according to the brand's new promise, to meet the need of modern housewives to know what they eat.

4th. Find out if your organization's people understand your brand and share your vision of it, following the company's internal analysis

You will learn which brand elements are perceived as valuable by the people in the organization (brand attributes, differentiators) and what aspects (products/services) the organization should focus on. You will discover what is the central idea of business that inspires people in their daily work. Internal analysis revealed for Symmetrica a basic characteristic of people - the value of lasting relationships, based on trust. Subsequently, we included this value in the structure of the new brand and highlighted it through the slogan.

5. You receive an informed opinion from a team of branding specialists on the current status of your brand

You will have the opportunity to find out the conclusions and recommendations of the BrandFusion team, based on our expertise of over 12 years in branding services, in which we analyzed, in more than 10,000 hours, the performance of some Romanian brands at the top positions in their category. Among the champions who continue their expansion, taking inspiration from the brand analyzes made by our team we mention: Austral, Axel Soft, Eversted, Glas Expert, Global Plast, Râureni, Symetrica, Unicarm, etc.

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