Food retail, above the lowest price

People love to go shopping. Shopping means more than the need to fill the pantry with lots of goodies. Some seek novelty and inspiration, others seek escape after a hard day. Regardless of the desire that brings them to a modern food retail, consumers want to be pampered, to live a pleasant experience, above any mega discount.

However, the major grocery chains in Romania are fighting vehemently for the position of “retailer with the lowest price”. Aggressively communicate price, price, price. It is undeniable that low prices bring customers to stores. It is natural for food retailers to resort to this kind of tactical communication all the time. But the price does not compensate for the emotional needs of the consumer.

If all food retailers talked exclusively about price, how could a buyer decide? Why would they go to Kaufland rather than Carrefour or Cora, when everyone talks about “discount hunting season”, “lowest prices that spark envy” or “Like with like make big discounts”? Although price will continue to play an important role, the store can and is advised to talk about more than that. Otherwise, it risks becoming boring and creating the impression that it is nothing more than a huge warehouse.

The buyer might choose Carrefour because it promises a better life and offers international specialties and a relaxed, pleasant shop layout. Although Carrefour diminishes its credibility by stating that “employees fight the prices for you on a daily basis,” when it happens you walk half an hour until you find an employee to ask a question. Or they could choose Kaufland because it has more diversity in its product range. Although Kaufland signals on the shelf all offers as a discounter, tiring and aggressive.

Or maybe they would opt for Mega Image, which with the idea of “mega-inspiration”, positions stores as more than just a place to shop, although the products are rather cramped and twisted.

It is difficult for the buyer to decide when he is constantly bombarded by discounts. Either it becomes a real bargain hunter, no longer distinguishing a quality product from a really cheap one. Either he feels grumpy and ignores all communication. Food retailers need to support through messages and actions that something unique and differentiating that shoppers can become loyal to. Ikea manages to communicate low price without aggressing and without harming the quality it could offer you. And the experience in the store is a real delight, it's that huge house that you don't want to leave anymore.

Above affordable prices, variety of products and generous policies, buyers want to feel, look, try. To know that they are going to a grocery store because they are getting that extra something that no one else offers. That I am living a unique experience. And then they are willing to pay more.

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