How do you generate an integrated offline online interaction with consumers?

New consumers, Millennials and especially the Generation Z that follow them, have grown up in a world where the differences between offline and online are almost imperceptible. For them there is no longer a barrier between the digital world and the physical world. It seems natural to them, perhaps even mandatory, that the online experience continues offline and vice versa.

Just think about the hysteria caused by Pokemon GO, downloaded by more than half a billion people. Or the popularity of the Foursquare app (45 million users in the first 4 years), especially among restaurants and cafes, and which helps you build a digital social life, depending on the locations you visit in real life.

Against this background, the term with which marketing and communication specialists need to familiarize themselves and, moreover, operate - PhygitalThe integration between the digital and the physical environment.

How can brands find new organic ways to connect with the consumer? Providing an integrated offline online interaction.

By integrating the physical with the digital environment, brands provide consumers with new experiences and help them meet their need to live in both worlds. In addition, many times, the integration of the two environments also brings a functional dimension that otherwise, brands would find it very difficult to achieve.

How can you do that? Here are some useful tactics:

1. Use Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Various brands, retailers and companies have begun rolling out VR and AR technologies to allow consumers to preview products before buying them. International Data Corp. estimates that in December retailers should spend $1.5 billion on developing AR and VR technologies in 2020.

2. Get connected with Chatbots (24/7) and Live Chat

A very good way to interact directly with the consumer, which becomes a must-have for the website or social media. But pay attention to their implementation so that they do not become something mechanical, but even help the consumer and bring him added value.

3. Bring additional information using QR Codes or NFC

These are just some of the tools you can use to improve the consumer experience and cross the barrier between the two worlds.

Example:Heinz has used technology to create new experiences.

Using Augmented Reality, consumers can scan the product to the shelf and automatically receive a virtual recipe book and be involved in a raffle to win items from the brand's world (ketchup dispenser, wooden spoon, gloves or kitchen apron)

Example:Domino's Pizza is a very good example of a company that uses chatbots to interact with its consumers. Just think about how many times the folks at Domino's get the simple question - when will my pizza arrive? With chatbots, consumers can order directly from the social messaging app and receive updates on the status of their orders.

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