The Business Challenge
In this situation, the Minus 22 company needed a new strategic approach to the product brand, which would stem its losses and pave the way for growth. The questions they challenged us with were: “How do we revitalize the product brand to avoid losing current consumers?” and “How can the product brand become relevant to its consumers?”
Our approach
We sought the strategic answers for the Minus 22 based on the certainty that the brands that attract to the shelf are those built around consumers and their expectations of the product. We looked at whether the current name and packaging design are relevant to the consumer, whether it differentiates the brand among competitors and whether it offers opportunities to expand the product portfolio. The conclusion was categorical: a total rebranding to develop a product brand that meets consumer expectations.
Branding solution
Freshness preserved by freezing
New technologies make frozen products keep intact the taste and nutritional properties of natural ingredients, because they are frozen immediately after fishing/harvesting. Hence the idea of the brand, The peak of freshness well preserved, which speaks of preserving the moment of maximum freshness of the ingredients/products. The dedication with which the company chooses its suppliers (to minimize the time between capture and preparation of products) is how the company ensures that consumers have access to fresh products that retain their properties.
The name carries the story of the brand to which the consumer is attracted
The name of the brand, Minus 22, referred to the temperature at which frozen products are stored and meant only for specialists, not consumers. Once the brand idea was defined, we created a new name capable of communicating it to the target audience. Vivelis expresses freshness and vivacity, has a meaning easily deciphered by consumers and allows the brand to be expanded into multiple categories (fish, semi-prepared, vegetables, fruits, etc.).
Strategic packaging design opens new doors to the future
The new master packaging design was designed to highlight the brand characteristics (freshness, honesty), but also to meet the visual expectations of the consumer. The entire identity system (symbol, colors, pattern, imaging) allows the brand to be extended across multiple product categories without compromising visual consistency. More details about our approach to packaging design can be found in this article.
Patterns inspired by the origin of the ingredients ensure differentiation between product categories and uniqueness on the shelf.
Brand positioning communication platform
For the relaunch, the company's team challenged us to build the creative communication platform.Starting from the characteristics of the modern consumer and inspired by the idea of the brand, we generated the creative idea of communication “Vivelis helps you be yourself and do what defines you”. We are always constrained by the pressure of time and forget to make time for our passions, those that really bring us joy. Vivelis helps us do what fulfills us. How? With quick cooking alternatives (fish, vegetables, semi-prepared), combinations to give you ideas in preparing a meal to your taste.
The communication platform contains a set of rules for writing brand messages and design, through which the Vivelis brand communicates coherently and strategically, depending on the audience.