
Râureni is the oldest Romanian brand of canned fruit and vegetables, established in 1968 and, for a long time, the only one of this type accessible to Romanians. After the 1990s, Râureni slowly disappeared from the attention of consumers, due to the inability of Oltchim (the multi-industrial business that owned the brand) to manage its portfolio in a competitive way, in the free economy. During this time, new brands were emerging in the category, and others were modernizing and communicating intensively to build relationships with a changing consumer. In this context, in 2008, entrepreneur Dan Mutu acquires the Râureni Canning Factory from Oltchim, a transaction that meant, in fact, the acquisition of the Râureni brand and several decommissioned buildings from the old factory.


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Am trecut printr-o perioadă de tranziție extraordinară, în care ne-am împrospătat brandul, targetând o nouă nișă de consumatori. Era nevoie ca Râureni să intre în contact și să fie îmbrățișat de cât mai mulți consumatori cu putință, cărora să le răspundă nevoilor. Noua platformă de comunicare, în care consumatorii pot interacționa direct cu brandul, este un pas important pentru viitorul brandului Râureni.
Dan Mutu, General Manager Râureni

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