A new brand of supplements for sports nutrition, comes to change the rules of the game in a crowded and intimidating category through product complexity and communication. With clear, more “clean” and healthier recipes, the brand was created for the “ordinary” consumer of the Millennial generation, who is attentive to what they consume and wants to support their active lifestyle.
Brand Positioning
Name and Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Packaging Design
Creative Platform
We had to think of a branding solution that meets several specific needs of a business at the beginning: “How can you break into a crowded category dominated by powerful brands?” or “What characteristics of the brand must capture the identity in order to attract the attention of the target?”
Our strategic solution was based on understanding consumer expectations and stakeholders' business vision. The external analysis helped us discover the main positioning and communication styles of the players, what types of consumers are, but also what they want from a sports nutrition supplement brand. Discussion with the customer helped us to find out the promise that the new brand can support and what areas of naming and packaging we can build on.
We discovered a category of Millennials consumers whose needs are underserved in the category. I defined them as Weighted optimistsPeople who do not seek immediately surprising results, but maintain an active lifestyle with proper nutrition. The manufacturer's desire to develop simpler recipes, with fewer synthetic ingredients and compounds, but also with a healthier, stevia-based sweetener, folds across the consumer profile. At the intersection of the two perspectives on the brand, we have identified a positioning area to support the consumer in training, at his own pace. Once this territory was defined, the idea of the brand found its natural expression in the formula, Keeps you on track.
With the strategic direction defined, we took the next step in brand building, naming. The main source of inspiration for creating name proposals was the idea of the brand. Imboldhas a familiar resonance, a message that is easy to decipher, in order to constantly stay in training, you just need an exhortation. The name is easily decoded by consumers and ensures the new brand visibility on the shelf. It manages to differentiate itself because it comes out of the pattern of strength, spectacular results, specific to this category.
How do you ensure that your message reaches its target, from a multitude of brands, most of them well consolidated? With a design solution for master packaging, which manages to translate the idea into reality and supports the future evolution of the brand. The symbol in identity starts from a balanced, directed form that conveys the idea of following one's own path in physical training. It is a brave choice that, in addition to functioning as an asset of the brand (through oversizing), also helps create the structure of the master packing. At the same time, it helps to differentiate between product categories, according to the objectives defined for the target.
Based on a clear picture of the consumer and the industry, we identified the relevant criterion for organizing the portfolio according to the objective pursued. This is how we created the categories: Active life, Muscle growth and Health & recovery.
The chromatics of the brand have been thought out to ensure individuality and at the same time coherence in communication. Once the architecture was defined, the association between the objective pursued and color was natural. Turquoise - Active life, conveys optimism, a state of serenity, essential experiences for the target. Silver - Health & recovery, color that characterizes the purity, energy, benefits that the category promises. Black - Muscle growth, the absence of any distraction from personal goals, strength and seriousness in training.
From the very beginning, the products will be available in a wide range of flavors (chocolate, vanilla, fruit, etc.). Natural flavors, chosen in the spirit of the brand, which promotes healthier recipes and from better ingredients. A challenge was to highlight each flavor at the packaging level, but at the same time offer flexibility and efficiency in implementation. Thus, we have generated a set of stickers inspired by the brand's graphics, but visible and impactful at the packaging level.
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