The mission of launching a product brand is never easy, even more so in a dynamic category, in the growth stage, such as that of organic food, in which consumer perceptions and habits are still being formed and the word “bio” is assigned various rational and emotional valences. We had the chance to complete it successfully, creating the Youbio brand after a rigorous process of defining and evaluating the various positioning opportunities identified.
Branding solution
The analysis of the “bio” universe, both from the perspective of the consumer, the market and competition, has helped us to understand what associations it spontaneously gives rise to and how they subsequently translate into expectations related to the attributes and benefits of products in this category. In the same way, we were able to shape the profile of the target audience of the new brand and formulated the value promise that it makes to it.
Youbio reminds us that a better world begins with each of us
“Be good to yourself” is the exhortation that the new brand addresses the consumer, to remind him that taking care of himself is essential to turn into reality his aspiration for a better world.
This credo also formed the basis of the name Youbio, created by joining the words “you” and “bio”, so as to reflect the essence of the brand and at the same time create the connection with the category of organic products.
Visual identity and packaging design
Packaging design is an essential part of the visual identity of the brand. It is characterized by exuberant, vivid and energetic illustrations that highlight the natural ingredients and organic elements of our products. The illustrations are uniformly stylized, with contrasting colors and strong graphic elements, creating an atmosphere of well-being and vitality.
To maintain consistency and brand recognition, the logo is always protected by a brand element that takes on the colors of the main ingredients of the product, thus ensuring that our brand is always visible and easily identifiable on store shelves.