
Lifehax is a start-up that has set out to form the first community of lifehackers in Romania. A brand that inspires you to change. Any business initiative has a beginning marked by many questions.


The Business Challenge

Brand is the answer to many questions when it comes to a start-up. With faith in a brand's ability to clarify, the LifeHax team inspired us to seek answers to questions essential for future development: How can you be persuasive when creating a category? What is the promise by which you get people to join you? How do you make the initial enthusiasm not dissipate?

Our approach

We conducted a workshop with the brand team to understand the essence of the business and find the right answers. The initiative needed a brand identity as vibrant and energetic as the founders, inspiring the community and gathering new supporters around it.

We learned that adaptability, courage to cross barriers, curiosity, perseverance are the main traits that the new brand wants to reflect. The purpose of LifeHax Conferences is to create the mindset you need for a better life. According to Lifehax, continuous evolution is what brings happiness. How? Through sustained effort and confidence to take the first step.

Branding solution

The moment you start doing things differently

“Switch to happiness”, the idea of the new brand manages to motivate and inspire, is the impulse that drives you to act. A challenge that promises happiness only if you are ready to think differently, change your habits, become a lifehacker.

The identity that reinvents itself

When the brand talks about transformation and getting out of the conventional, the identity needs to be as bold as it is. We thought of a disruptive identity, a morphic logo that expresses the attributes of the brand. Patterns are rewritten, directions change, evolution cannot be constrained, just as the type in the Lifehax logo cannot be standardized.

The same spirit, in a fresh perspective

The very reason of being a Lifehax, the community, means communication. How can you do it in a strategic way? Through a coherent visual style, able to expand as the brand develops. The choice of color, bold and fresh, filters adapted to visual categories are supported by the brand idea, happiness differs depending on the individual perspective.

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Pentru noi, LifeHax a fost un proiect foarte interesant, o provocare de design. În urma procesului de descoperire, am ajuns alături de client la un concept foarte ofertant din punct de vedere grafic. Am avut misiunea să dăm o formă concretă ideii de schimbare, de reinventare individuală, până la urmă. Ne-a inspirat și am lăsat imaginația să-și facă magia. Credem că rezultatul procesului de design surprinde scânteia, declicul care declanșează schimbarea.
Ștefan Ferencz, Brand Design Director Brandfusion

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various business contexts

Our process