AG Billig

A.G. Billig, or Andreea as we know her, is one of those people whose life story could become a bestseller if published. Journalism, experience in communication and PR, work as a radio and TV man, talent and passion for writing, acquired expertise in self-publishing, entrepreneurial side, travel, spiritual initiation and move to the USA, all find a significant place in his biography. Meanwhile, writing plays an essential role in Andrea's life, being the form of expression that brings her closest to what she feels is her spiritual purpose, that of helping people remember that love is their true nature.


The Business Challenge

A.G. Billig is the author of 3 fiction and nonfiction books about love and its various manifestations, published in English, being one of the so-called indie writers who enjoys great popularity among readers across the ocean. Therefore, the challenge of working together to develop his author's brand was both unique and rewarding.

Given the diversity of the publishing industry and the significant increase in the production of titles in recent years, the aim of the project was to highlight what the author brand A.G. does. Billig to be unique to readers of the different genres it tackles, from fiction to personal development and self-help.

Branding solution

With our quick branding solution, Fire Fusion Booster, we supported a sprint process, exclusively in the digital environment, as a result of which we articulated the author's brand positioning strategy and the key messages used in communication. These then became the source of inspiration in the development of his visual identity.

In the online discovery workshop, we explored together with A.G. Billig her aspirations for the future, thus revealing the vision that, in years, her books will be among those that people give to others with the hope of inspiring them to take the first steps in the desired direction and change their lives for the better. At the same time, we managed to bring to light the contribution and impact that the author wants to have in the lives of readers, formulating her mission to uplift them spiritually, so that they can overcome their habituation, worldliness and limitations.

Her own journey to becoming a loving being, aided by the extensive study of spiritual masters and the adoption of various forms of therapy, such as Reiki and the Silva method, guides the author's writings and creativity. Thus, she manages to differentiate herself through an accessible and very personal narrative style that blends real happenings, ancient wisdom, spirituality and scientific evidence. For this reason, his books offer insight, clarity and at the same time an energy that triggers and facilitates the process of transformation, helping readers discover self-love and life under the sign of love. This is the promise of value that A.G. Billig does it to those who seek inspiration and answers to existential questions, its authenticity echoing in their minds and hearts.

Led by the mission of A.G. Billig and its promise of value, we expressed the uniqueness of the author's brand in the form of a credo that underlies all human and artistic manifestations of the author. He talks about love as a superpower that we all have and with which we can follow our dreams. This idea turns into the exhortation that A.G. Billig addresses it to his readers under the slogan “Set the destination and let love carry you towards it.”

Once the positioning strategy and brand idea are defined, they are then translated into the different forms of expression specific to the author's brand in relation to his audiences, from the official biography and topics of discussion with the media, to the speech and messages used on the various digital and offline communication channels (website, social media, participation in book events, etc.).

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