The Dental Excellence business started like most dental offices in Romania - offering the services of a specialist doctor and increasing the number of patients through referrals. Gradually, the team of doctors expanded, specialties diversified, and the package of services increased. The development also meant moving to a larger space, acquiring new equipment and moving from the status of a cabinet to a clinic.
Brand Audit
Brand Strategy
Brand Architecture
Visual Identity
Creative Platform
All these business changes had to be made visible externally, both to existing and potential patients, as well as to the industry. So the business decides to go through a rebranding process to position it among dental clinics, help it develop in the area of children's services and increase its notoriety among patients.
In such a fragmented category, the brand can help a business differentiate itself if it is built on an authentic truth. The recommended strategy for Dental Excellence was to work with the brand's team to discover that thing that makes them truly unique, beyond medical facilities, physician specialization or workspaces.
From the beginning of the project we sought to understand what are the things that motivate the Dental Excellence team, beyond the business arguments. We interviewed entrepreneurs, brought together different competencies from the clinic to identify the brand traits and deciphered what the philosophy was used by the medical coordinator, Dr. Luisa Caragea, in training her teams of doctors. We discovered a team that puts the emotional comfort of the patient at the forefront and tries to support him so that he can smile again.
We continued the process of redefining the brand with interviews with existing patients and lost patients to see what are the things that convinced them to choose Dental Excellence, how they perceive the clinic, and what are the expectations they have of such clinics. The interviews confirmed our great care for patients, the very friendly relationships established between doctors and patients and the safety that Dental Excellence offers.
Medicine has its origins in a deeply human relationship - the desire to help fellow human beings. Over time, titles and specializations led to a cooling of this relationship. Doctors have become undisputed authorities, in ivory towers, and patients often remain in an inferior position, in confusion. Dental Excellence recreates this human bond between the doctor and his patient, treating people in the most humane way possible so that they, in turn, can pass on what they have most humanely. Hence the brand's promise of value: Care from man to man. A promise delivered through openness, honesty, collaboration and empathy.
We wanted the new identity to support this idea of shared humanity and differentiate the brand into a category that was already abusing specific symbols like the shape of the tooth, the smile, etc. We created a powerful symbol with a geometric base, restyling the key elements that define the brand. In its final form, the symbol illustrates the care and protection that Dental Excellence provides to its patients.
For the color palette, we chose strong colors, adjacent to the medical field, which can accommodate any type of communication. We set the three main colors (purple as a symbol of empathy, pure blue for openness and aesthetic pink for care) and supplemented the palette with two secondary colors, gray and beige to bring warmth and seriousness to brand communications.
We have also thought out the brand architecture rules for the Dental Excellence Junior extension and for future brand extensions. For children, we accommodated identity with appropriate imaging and juggled the proportion of colors in communication.
The primary guide to using the visual identity clarifies the rules of use of the new Dental Excellence identity: from logo formats, to seating, to minimum size, colours and typeface. The guide will be used by all visual content creators for the brand and will ensure the consistency and consistency of all communication materials.
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