Mineralport, supplier of aggregates, concrete, cement, operates in a category that is constantly under pressure from the construction industry and indirectly depends on projects coordinated by the administrative environment. Given the inconsistency of major infrastructure projects in recent years, the company has faced many uncertainties regarding the growth potential and the direction of business development in the future.
In this context, together with the entrepreneur we sought answers to the following questions. How does it ensure profitability when the business environment is unpredictable? How does it maintain its leadership position in the Oltenia region? How does Mineralport increase its customer base? What is the basis for regional and national expansion?
To help the business answer these questions, I talked to the entrepreneur and understood his vision. The company needed a strong brand that would make this vision visible to the outside. From discussions with the entrepreneur and the company's clients, we learned that rigor, discipline and tenacity to develop thoroughly are values that determined a correct attitude towards collaborators even when the competition chose unsustainable ways to stay in the market. Locally, the company has earned a reputation for delivering not only quality products, but also a differentiating experience, based on trust and constant support.
The perspective on the experience offered by Mineralport generated the idea of the brand, Foundation point in any construction, which illustrates not only a truth on which this brand was built, but also that it conveyed in a relevant and convincing way to the company's customers.
What is the most honest and direct means of expressing the idea of the brand? We created the slogan Your Trust Baseto talk about the seriousness and rigor that characterizes the brand. In a itemavailable on our website, we addressed the topic of how important it is for the slogan to convey a fundamental truth of the brand.
Once the idea of the brand was identified, its reason for existence became the main source of inspiration for logo design and visual identity and for the entire brand communication. The symbol that accompanies the name Mineralport suggests, stylized and geometrically, a mountain of aggregates and complements the brand's message, through construction, massiveness and proportions.
In the implementation phase, the restoration of the website was the main challenge. The new interface and new functionalities concretize the rebranding process for the Mineralport public. Our collaboration also included mapping out the online communication strategy. Campaigns aimed at attracting relevant traffic and visual materials derived from the new identity generated new business for the brand, as a result of an average of 1,200 monthly visitors: 53 requests for offers in the first 3 months after the relaunch.
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