The Business Challenge
Now, 20 years after the first steps of an “expedition” with many challenges, obstacles, but also beneficial collaborations and successes, the company feels the need to mark this milestone, to affirm its commitment to a new business vision and to “team up” for its future development aspirations.
How can business expand its development perspective and addressability, in order to become an engine of digital transformation at the level of both public administrations and organizations in the private sector?
Our approach
Reconnecting the brand to the aspirations of the business
The vision of business development led us to explore the company ethos through a twofold approach: inside-outand outside-in. The inside-out approach, which we leveraged in the workshop with Integrisoft's management team, was designed to help its members define what is unique to the organization, what are the principles and the purpose /The WHY that guides her in her actions. At the same time, the outward-inward approach, based on discussions with the company's customers, has made it possible to formulate the value promise that the Integrisoft brand makes to them.
Thus, we wanted to restore the connection between brand and business and increase the team's adherence to the business aspiration to become one of the main actors of digital integration in the administrative and business environment in Romania.
Branding solution
Digital evolution is the source of energy that fuels the brand
The purpose The company to inspire people and organizations to evolve together, as it was discovered and articulated in the workshop with the Integrisoft team, is the one that sets the trajectory of the business and the positioning of the brand. It is he who unites the artisans of digital transformation and its beneficiaries. He is also the one who differentiates the Integrisoft brand and inspires its promise of value as well as the slogan “Together for Digital Evolution”, exceeding the area of functional benefits, which is otherwise very exploited in this area.
A new brand identity that supports its promise of value
The new Integrisoft symbol represents brand values and attributes that are visually arranged around a core. This central point reminds of the unity of a pixel and generates around it digital elements that give dynamics and reinforce the idea of teamwork by using the 45-degree angle at which they are arranged. The symbol brings together all the know-how and team spirit of Integrisoft and inspires continuous evolution, transformation and adaptation.
Along with a geometric letter character, friendly and versatile, the digital visual style is complemented by a grid that starts from the core of the symbol, the unit of a pixel. Based on it, the flexible grid was developed, which is easily adapted for the diverse needs of visual identity communication.
Creating a brand architecture to ensure consistency in its future development
By recommending the brand architecture and establishing a clear relationship between its various components - company brand (Integrisoft), product brand (Avansis), product brand application types (Avansis for Tax and Revenue/Heritage/etc.), we wanted to create a well-defined framework for the future development of the portfolio and ensure consistency at the level of positioning and identity of the visual.
Thus, the Avansis product brand identity uses the same type of construction with elements arranged on the grid, but in a way that suggests immediate progress and supports the various applications of the product.
The anniversary logo marks a milestone in the evolution of the company
To mark Integrisoft's 20 years of activity, a special anniversary logo has been created. It is based on the brand's new visual identity and uses the graphic elements of the symbol to create the figure 20. The resulting symbol suggests the idea of fireworks, festive images, being used in various applications to celebrate this important moment in the evolution of the organization.