The Business Challenge
With experience in the growth of entrepreneurial businesses, the owners decide to make their mark on the development of the business, from the very beginning of the takeover, both at the level of company reorganization and strategic development decisions, and at the level of the company's brand.
Our approach
Taking over a company brings with it changes in the organization, in the management style and, above all, in the very vision of its long-term development. From a brand perspective, a takeover that brings about such profound change is a ground zero, grounding what animates the organization, what it aims to achieve and how it is going to do so.
When the two entrepreneurs invited us to present their perspective on the future of the newly acquired brand, we recommended a total transformation. On the one hand, the name Fresh Air Filters was far from reflecting a vision and a leadership position, on the other hand the new vision had to be discovered and expressed in all manifestations of the brand, clearly and unequivocally.
Branding solution
A vision in defense of air purity
To define the pillars on which we were going to build the new brand, we started from the fundamentals: the qualities of the business, the entrepreneurs' vision of the future of the company and the perceptions and expectations of the customers about the company. We wanted to see what are the things that the business delivers, if they are perceived as plus-value by customers and what direction entrepreneurs want to set for the business.
In interviews with entrepreneurs, I discovered a healthy philosophy of life that was to be imprinted on the new business as well - a philosophy centered on taking responsibility and determination to carry out everything started, for accurate results, to the highest standards, regardless of the activity. From the discussions with customers, which turned out to be full of insights for entrepreneurs, we drew respect for stability (the only Romanian manufacturer of filters) and for the quality of products, but also the need to feel safe, to be able to rely on pure air in the spaces they used.
We added to the insights discovered, the framework in which the brand was to activate: the industry and its trends, the approach of competitors and the points of differentiation that each one communicated. Thus, we defined the idea of the brand, the central idea that we were going to build on: in defense of air purity.
An invented name, determined to make an impact
The idea of the brand was the point of inspiration for the development of the new brand name. Everstedcomes from the combination of the English words “ever - forever” and “steady - stable, which endures” and clearly conveys the idea of safety and basis in ensuring the purest air possible.
A relevant, long-hitting promise
The first step in communicating a brand's message is its slogan. In a form that inspires the essence of the brand, the Eversted brand slogan, Long life of air purity, opens the conversation with employees, customers and partners.
An identity anchored in the origin of the category
When we talk about B2B, it is essential that the identity of a company finds a form of expression of the brand idea starting from within the category, from the base, from the artifacts of the category. Thus, in the case of Eversted, in the process of exploring the visual universe of the category, we reached the basis of the purification process, where, as a defense shield we find the filtering material. This essential element, folded to increase the efficiency of the process, has both the quality of defending and trapping impurities in the air, but also of letting clean air flood the living spaces.
We chose strong, vivid colors for the Eversted identity. Green conveys the idea of freshness, fresh air and suggests, together with the symbol, the category to which the business belongs. The royal blue used for the verbal component of the logo balances identity and helps the company position itself as a leader and demonstrate its responsibility and seriousness in production processes and customer relations. We opted for a more technical font, the details of which remind you of how to fold and join air filters, but I kept its character open to partnership through the way of writing (Sentence Case).