Business Challenge
The novelty of the product and the particularities of the business model, which involve different customer types and consumption behaviors, various markets, and competitive landscapes dominated by large international players, alongside the marketing budget limitations typical of a start-up, make the launch mission a very challenging one for Benefito Mobile. In this context, we accepted the challenge to help a new brand that aims to "change the rules of the game" in two markets with established practices and consumer habits—telecommunications and retail—make itself visible, understood, and earn the trust of its audience, without having access to the same marketing and business levers used by its main competitors.
Branding solution
The first step in the project was to understand who the Benefito Mobile consumer is and how the product responds to his needs or expectations in a way that can lead him to adopt a new consumption behavior. Thus, we were able to articulate the brand idea and create the verbal and visual communication platform that would support it in a relevant, authentic, convincing way. We then developed the communication strategy and plan to make the brand known and help it stand out effectively in a very "noisy" market.
Brand idea
We conducted a workshop with the Benefito Mobile management team, in which we explored the consumer profile and linked the product benefits to his pains and gains from the perspective of its dual role - mobile telephony user and retail customer - to define possible brand positioning routes. Subsequently, we also analyzed the information discovered in the process from the perspective of potential consumers, which we identified among our team members, and thus formulated the Benefito Mobile brand idea to surprise by making things differently. The brand idea was then summed up in the tagline "Surprisingly different".
Communication platform
Starting from the brand positioning, we developed the Benefito Mobile communication platform using a familiar verbal and visual language, with which the main audience could resonate and which they could easily understand. At the same time, we wanted the brand to have the power to stand out and become memorable, even in the context of significantly less intense communication actions than those of the competition, by using the tone of voice and visual identity to highlight its uniqueness.
Launch strategy and campaign
Once we defined the communication concept for the brand launch, we collaborated with the Benefito Mobile team to establish the strategy and concrete action plan to reach the target audience, in order to attract their attention and interest. We built and implemented the communication campaign exclusively in the digital space, in order to have maximum efficiency from the perspective of both promotion efforts and marketing investment during the first months after launch.