Installations Academy

The Academy of Installations is the soul project of Georgiana Soca, an engineer by profession, with an impressive resume in the field of electrical installations in construction, in which she has been active for the past 15 years both as an employee, consultant and entrepreneur. Confident in the value that her professional experience and personal example can bring in an industry facing a shortage of qualified human resources and, implicitly, of options in terms of their training or specialization, Georgiana has chosen to fully dedicate herself to this unique initiative in Romania, in order to contribute to increasing the level of training and performance in her field of activity.


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“Before the brand we had an idea and a desire, but unwrapped and undressed. Branding helped me validate the idea and give value to the Academy. With the realization of the brand, the vision and mission of the Academy of Installations resulted, points without which I could not have laid the foundations of this business. Slowly, the Academy of Installations is becoming a Brand in itself, and among the achievements of its first year are: 11 course sessions, of which the last 2 sold-out sessions (and we want as many as possible!) and attracting 3 more trainers. The Installations Academy has also become an ANC (National Qualifications Authority) licensed vocational training provider.”
Georgiana Soca - Founder of the Academy of Installations Author

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