The Business Challenge
The idea of establishing the Installations Academy came from an acute need to find people with the necessary skills for bidding, contracting and procurement in installation projects, felt by Georgiana Soca from the position of manager and employer within her own company and confirmed by the increase in the number of job offers for positions related to these specific activities. Since there is no other professional training program that meets this need, the Academy of Installations has thus assumed its pioneering mission and its challenges of a legislative, financial, and business nature, turning to our help to give it life and make it known.
The strategic approach
At the base of the Academy of Installations is, in essence, a man, with his way of thinking and doing things, with all his baggage of knowledge, experiences, examples, both professional and personal. That is why we set out, first of all, to discover who this man is, with what motivation and aspirations he embarks on this new path, after what principles guide him in his work. At the same time, we wanted to find out who and how the Academy of Installations aims to help, what needs or shortcomings it could eliminate, or what expectations it could meet. Thus, we wanted to transform Georgiana Soca's ideas into a strategic framework that will guide the construction of the Installations Academy brand, to establish its positioning and develop the visual identity that will support it in its future manifestations.
Branding solution
Brand platform
From the discussions with Georgiana Soca and the explorations made together in the discovery workshop, we were able to pencil the pillars of the brand platform - the audience profile, the mission, the vision, the values, the promise that the brand makes to its customers - while defining, at the same time, the elements that will help the brand to tell its story in an authentic way, namely the archetype, the personality, tone of voice and visual style.
The idea of the brand
What remained deeply imprinted in our minds after meeting the man and professional Georgiana Soca was his belief that talent is the one that anyone can create, through work and perseverance, regardless of field of activity or profession. She is the very proof of this belief, and the Academy of Installations is, in fact, the way in which she wants to encourage others to discover and nurture their talent, to feel the satisfaction of the work done with dedication, to develop continuously. Give value to talent is the call that the Academy of Installations addresses, in this way, to all those who want to develop in the field of construction installations, expressing in a concise and suggestive way the idea of the brand.
Visual identity
To harmoniously complement the idea of the brand, visual identity encourages future learners to nurture their talent through creativity and the emotions it arouses.
Thus, the logo of the Academy of Installations refers to a creative “spark”, that moment of inspiration in which an idea is formed, to the joy, satisfaction and enthusiasm to move forward and become better. This spark can be interpreted both as an element that connects with the brand's field of activity - the light bulb, a symbol for the transformation and evolution of the world - and on a human level, representing transformation and professional evolution.
Visual language uses elements inspired by electrical planes: strong colors, easy-to-read fonts and a system of thin lines drawn between compositional elements, with which a visual hierarchy and dynamic layouts are created, full of energy and optimism.
Brand communication
Starting from the brand story and key messages formulated in the strategy definition phase, we have used personality traits, tone of voice and visual identity to create a series of materials tailored to the different communication channels that the Installations Academy will turn to to address its audiences, from the presentation brochure to digital banners, social media and the web page.