
Wolfson is one of the exclusive product brands for tools and equipment, introduced in recent years by Riviera Works. We envisioned Wolfson as a strong, modern, and reliable brand, capable of bringing added value to any consumer within its target audience. It is a brand truly rooted in its technical category, with the ability to quickly adapt to changes in the market.

The business owners of Riviera Works wanted to ensure that their new product brand could visibly showcase the existing business know-how and communicate their constant effort to meet the diverse needs of their end customers. To achieve this, they approached Brandfusion to align the brand with the specific requirements of the category and target audience.

Business Challenge

In their drive to expand into a new user category and launch new products aimed at the micro-farming sector, Riviera Works needed to develop a new product brand that would function alongside its existing brands. Additionally, it had to be easily communicated online, especially given the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the steady rise in online sales. The challenge was further compounded by the wide range of different products that needed to be standardized in terms of packaging, both visually and in the arrangement of technical information.

The newly developed brand, Wolfson, a young and modern product brand within the category, allowed the company to launch new products targeting a different user profile, helping to grow the business not only in terms of sales but also in terms of sales channels. The brand has been a success in the online marketplace.

Strategic Approach

During the strategy phase, the first objective was to learn more about the category and the target audience – individuals passionate about agriculture, DIY, or those running micro-farms. The next step was to understand what key benefits and specific features these users look for in each product type, as well as the common perceptions and attributes found in this category. Once these coordinates were defined, they provided the foundation for the Wolfson brand and served as inspiration for the brand’s identity expansion, packaging development, and external communication materials.

Branding Solution

We envisioned Wolfson as a strong, modern, and trustworthy brand, capable of adding value for any consumer in the target audience. The brand is deeply connected to its technical category and can quickly adapt to market changes. The proposed graphic style combines clear color schemes with bold fonts and simple, technical graphic elements, including diagonal lines to convey dynamism, strength, and security. The orange color ties into the category, being a classic choice for technical products.

We selected dynamic photographs that capture the products in action and in direct connection with their everyday users. These images are integrated into communication materials in various ways and angles to emphasize the energy and allow for diverse brand content.

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