
Commergent is a top partner in digital transformation, offering customized and scalable solutions that enable companies to grow and adapt. By articulating the brand ethos and a relevant brand promise, as well as creating a dynamic and impactful visual identity, we helped Commergent establish its positioning as a trusted partner and expert in providing innovative digital solutions for businesses, quickly making its name known in its reference category.

The Commergent brand is built on a dedicated team with over 18 years of experience in a wide range of industries, both B2B and B2C, working with eCommerce systems and various development platforms, partnering with over 150 Romanian and multinational companies in Europe, North America, and Asia, each of them relevant clients in their respective industries.

Business Challenge

In the context of social-economic changes and the not-always-smooth transition to digital for many businesses, Commergent, recently separated from the technology division of the Brandfusion group, wanted to position itself as a trusted partner in their process of adapting to the digital environment. Therefore, there was a clear need for its own identity, relevant in the technology field and represents an opportunity to reaffirm the vision of partnership in digital transformation, as well as the focus on providing continuous value to communities.

Branding Solution

A starting point in the strategic approach was Commergent's promise to its clients, which consists of an integrated experience and the benefits that result from a shared vision of digital transformation. Over time, from presentation websites to complex B2B systems, Commergent managed to overcome the barriers that hindered businesses from evolving and also contributed to the evolution of technical solutions in this process.

The company's ethos of working closely with its clients and encouraging them to take part in a highly collaborative and agile journey, where their business is at the center of attention and where they gain that feeling of freedom that allows them to see the evolution of their business more clearly, was the main inspiration for the brand idea expressed in the slogan "Freedom to eScale."

Starting from the identified business elements, we developed an expansive identity that could easily express the multitude of solutions and their adaptability. For the symbol, we chose a hexagon because it is a very stable shape but with sharp angles that convey the idea of technological progress, and a cutting-edge vision. The hexagonal shape also serves in the development of the visual identity system, with the symbol being used both three-dimensionally and through a mix of gradients and different degrees of transparency to suggest complexity and how things work in-depth, beyond appearances.

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Colaborarea cu Brandfusion a fost esențială pentru Commergent. Ne-au ajutat să ne definim o identitate unică și să transmitem mesajul nostru, un partener de încredere în transformarea digitală a afacerilor. Rezultatul a fost remarcabil, iar identitatea de brand dezvoltată de ei, nu doar că a reflectat perfect esența Commergent, dar a fost recunoscută și internațional, un semn al calității și originalității designului nostru de brand. Suntem mândri de această realizare și suntem nerăbdători să continuăm să avem succes alături de Brandfusion.

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