The Business Challenge
After a long period of growth, marked by important achievements that led to its consolidation, the business has been facing stagnation in recent years caused, on the one hand, by the evolution of the market and increasingly fierce competition, but above all by the “monotony” that has settled in the organization, as noted by its founder. In this context, Claudio Vaccari appealed to us with the desire to bring the company's brand up to date, with the change of its name to United Parts, and to trigger that forgotten dynamic, that explosion of enthusiasm capable of propelling the business forward.
The strategic approach
Starting from the entrepreneur's need to revive and rally the organization around a common development aspiration, we wanted to discover the coordinates that guide its people in their work and that will put the business back on the upward trajectory, namely their vision, mission, principles of action, factors that differentiate the company from the competition and the promise of value to its customers. Once these coordinates are defined, they provide the foundation for the United Parts corporate brand and the inspiration for its new identity.
Branding solution
The essence of the brand
In the workshop organized with the United Parts management team, we had the opportunity to meet the people who joined founder Claudio Vaccari and believed in his business vision, contributing to its development to the present day. I understood that what supported and encouraged them in their efforts over time was confidence. Confidence in their own strengths and in the people next to them, trust given and earned in relationships with employees, customers, collaborators. It is the engine of United Parts and what unites all of its stakeholders into a team whose common goal is to continuously evolve and achieve maximum performance together. From here we extracted the essence of the brand, which also reflects its promise of value, articulated in the new slogan United for performance.
Visual identity
To convey the idea of evolution and interconnectedness through visual identity, we created a simple and distinctive geometric symbol. It suggests that the unity of the three stakeholders can only be achieved through the participation of the parties. The purely geometric construction by which this symbol resulted expresses the idea of the contribution of each circle, giving rise to a larger whole. The aspiration of the company is also captured by the vertical layout of the symbol and the orange color. Combined with a resolute, industrial font with considerable weight and width, the result is a technical identity, appropriate to the industry in which the brand operates.
Creative platform
The values, as identified and formulated in the brand foundation phase, are the ones that guide the behavior of the people in the United Parts team and, at the same time, those that underlie the personality exhibited by the brand in its communication with external audiences. Thus, the tone of voice together with the visual identity creates a unique form of expression that helps the brand to tell its story in an authentic, relevant and coherent way, through all the communication materials used.
Website Design
The first step in designing the United Parts website was to define user needs and establish technical criteria. We looked for the optimal way to integrate the online catalog, which users can use intuitively with a multi-functional search field. The division of the portfolio by both specialized industries and product categories has led to the creation of many customized search results presentation situations and different ways of displaying products in the catalog.
All filtering options have been carefully made and ordered to provide the best user experience. Modules and contact or order forms have also been optimized to simplify the process. We also created custom icons, in tune with the new identity, using colors and graphic elements derived from the visual language of the brand.